Kitchens design exam

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 300 seconds to answer all questions. Are you ready?


What is the minimum width of this space ?

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Correct! Wrong!

We use stainless material for :

شهادة تصميم داخلي 1

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

Which item is not well designed ?

شهادة تصميم داخلي 1
Correct! Wrong!

The average required lumens for general lighting in a kitchen is :

شهادة تصميم داخلي 1
Correct! Wrong!

This kitchen materials are ?

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Correct! Wrong!

The material of the front wall is ?

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Correct! Wrong!

What is the countertop material?

شهادة تصميم داخلي 1
Correct! Wrong!

What kind of lighting you can see ?

شهادة تصميم داخلي 1
Correct! Wrong!

How to drain the water from this sink ?

شهادة تصميم داخلي 1
Correct! Wrong!

What is the minimum clear depth of this drawer

شهادة تصميم داخلي 1
Correct! Wrong!

Kitchens design exam
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